Code of Ethics

We, the managers and employees of Sher Dil Constructions set for ourselves the following standards of conduct in our relationship with each other, our employer, and with all those with whom we deal in our work.

When representing Sher Dil Constructions, our objective is to comply with the following standards:

1. We intend to comply with the Law.

Our objective is to comply with the laws of UAE, contractual obligations, and applicable standards relevant to our area of work.

  • We seek to know and understand the laws that affect or relate to our activities.
  • We notify top management of any failure to comply with the law.
  • In interpreting any law, we endeavor to adopt a course that reinforces Sher Dil Constructions’ reputation for integrity.
2. We intend to act honestly and with integrity.
  • Integrity for us means doing the right thing and behaving properly, even if no one were to know we had done the wrong thing or acted properly.
  • We do not engage in misleading or deceptive conduct or falsity or wrongly withhold information.
3. We do not place ourselves in situations which results in divided loyalties.

For us, divided loyalties may arise:

  • When our private interest conflict directly or indirectly with our obligations to Sher Dil Constructions.
  • When we receive benefit from a person doing or seeking to do business with Sher Dil Constructions, which could be an obligation to someone other than Sher Dil Constructions.
  • When we act in ways, which may cause others to question our loyalty to Sher Dil Constructions. Should such conflict arise or benefit be received, we discuss the matter with management.
4. We intend to use our assets (including funds, equipment and information) responsibly and in best interest of Sher Dil Constructions.

The success of our business is inconceivable without our clients/suppliers/ subcontractors/consultants/banks and insurance. Sher Dil Constructions will always strive to have a lasting relationship based on trust and natural benefit.

5. We are responsible and accountable for our actions.

Accordingly, we take responsibility for:

  • The way in which we perform our functions.
  • Honesty and fully reporting the results of our actions. For us, accountability means we accept responsibility for and will be judged by our actions.
6. We will treat all employees on merit.

Accordingly, we are fair in our dealing with:

  • Employees at all levels, any nationality, color, creed or see.
  • Ensure performance base increments, promotions, and bonuses.
  • Encourage professional development of employees.